Code for Democracy Debuts New Tool to Track Money in Politics The web tool aims to make it easier to investigate campaign contributions, lobbying, nonprofit spending, and more, and to get alerts on new data.
News Sites Are Renting Your Inbox to Spammy Political Groups Mother Jones, The Daily Caller, and other news sites make money by selling access to your inbox to political groups that want your donations.
‘Dark Money’ Groups Battle Online Over Reconciliation Bill Digital ad network portals provide a view of the ad wars around the Build Back Better Act.
Scam PAC Exploits Electoral College Opponents Abolish the Electoral College PAC, which has raised nearly $1 million, has donated only $2,500 to candidates. The rest of the money has gone to salaries and consultants.
Blue Dog-Affiliated Website Blurs Line Between Newsroom and Political Advertiser The Well News, founded by employees of a Blue Dog-affiliated nonprofit, appears to be exploiting a campaign finance loophole to run ads boosting Blue Dog Democrats.
GOP Groups Go Negative After Facebook Lifts Ad Ban for Georgia A look at the political ads Georgia voters are seeing on Facebook as they head to the polls in the runoff Senate elections.