Deficit Hawk Henry Cuellar Makes it Rain for His Defense Donors
The Texas Democrat has taken hundreds of thousands from defense companies with histories of ripping off taxpayers.
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The Texas Democrat has taken hundreds of thousands from defense companies with histories of ripping off taxpayers.
Khanna's most recent financial transaction filing shows January trades in Phillips 66, General Dynamics, and more.
In a Washington Post op-ed, Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.) said Congress should preemptively authorize military action to defend Taiwan against China.
Fewer Democrats voted yesterday to cut the Defense budget by 10% than voted for an identical proposal last year.
House progressives have again introduced amendments to significantly reduce the massive Pentagon budget of at least $768 billion.
The top Fortune 500 donors this year to House GOP election objectors are weapons companies whose revenue comes overwhelmingly from defense contracts.
Texas Republican Michael McCaul owned up to $6 million in G.E. shares as he sits on the House Armed Services Committee that sets defense funding levels.
Here are the members of Congress who own stock in defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.
A 13-word provision tucked into the massive voting and ethics package could help curb shadow lobbying, particularly by former Department of Defense employees.
Chairman Joe Courtney has received $237,000 from General Dynamics' PAC and employees over his House career.