Groups Call on Congress: Fund Your Staff
The average Hill staffer stays for only about three years, with many moving to become lobbyists.
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The average Hill staffer stays for only about three years, with many moving to become lobbyists.
On average, the signers received $93,275 from the pharmaceutical & health products industry in the 2020 cycle, far more than the average for House Democrats of $37,788.
The automaker took just three weeks to assess the Jan. 6 riots before restarting PAC donations to Republican election objectors.
Public campaign financing programs in states and cities across the country have grown in use by candidates and have been strengthened by voters in recent years.
As he serves on the subcommittee overseeing ports of entry, Richard Blumenthal’s wife is investing in a cargo security company that says it is the only company that can satisfy the scanning requirements recommended by Congress.
Ads and social media graphics from two major conservative groups contain misleading and inaccurate information about the Democratic campaign finance reform bill.
The landmark democracy reform package moves on to a Senate hearing later this month.
Sludge asked over two dozen corporate trade associations if they would follow their member companies in cutting off PAC donations to the Republican election objectors. Most declined to say they would.
Dozens of companies paused their PAC donations to Republican election objectors, but a loophole could continue sending them funds through corporate trade associations.
The pro-Trump protests were the culmination of over a decade of investment in conservative groups by the right-wing Koch network and large corporations.