Chevron Greenwashes Shareholders on Climate Lobbying
The oil supermajor’s first ever report on its political activities greenwashes its own shareholders.
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The oil supermajor’s first ever report on its political activities greenwashes its own shareholders.
While Sen. Joe Manchin proclaimed in recent media appearances that he will not consider ending the filibuster, 10 years ago he voted in favor of rules reforms that would have significantly reduced the obstructive tactic.
Trump staffers are worried that the insurrection might hurt their career opportunities, but many of their former colleagues had no trouble finding nice jobs in the political influence industry.
They got a lot of attention for agreeing to work together on a bill to close the revolving door, but they never actually did what they said they would.
After months of waiting, DNC members who will vote on the next party chair, replacing Tom Perez, learned that the leadership election will be held online from Jan. 18-21.
The pro-Trump protests were the culmination of over a decade of investment in conservative groups by the right-wing Koch network and large corporations.
A startup watchdog group beat back legislation that would have allowed corporate trade groups that lobby the government to access PPP funding.