Chevron Greenwashes Shareholders on Climate Lobbying
The oil supermajor’s first ever report on its political activities greenwashes its own shareholders.
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The oil supermajor’s first ever report on its political activities greenwashes its own shareholders.
A review of public records suggests the Newsom administration's actions may have been inappropriately influenced by his lobbyist friend's firm.
American Workers for Progress, which spent big for Cuellar, was funded by an oil and gas industry lobbying group.
Mainstream environmental groups rally around the former BlackRock executive, while more left-leaning groups remain skeptical.
Ernest Moniz, who presided over an expansion of US fracking as Energy Secretary, has deep ties to Biden's transition advisers on energy.
Top Democratic oil and gas PAC money recipient Rep. Cedric Richmond will be hired for an advisory role, according to reports.
The Joe Kennedy campaign told Sludge it would refund fossil fuel lobbyist donations that violate the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge, which Kennedy signed, but it appears it did not follow through.
The DNC quietly removed language from the party platform yesterday that endorsed an end to fossil fuel subsidies, after voting two years ago to allow itself to accept fossil fuel PAC contributions.
A lobbyist for natural gas and pipeline companies gave Kennedy the legal maximum contribution, a violation of the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge that Kennedy signed.