PhRMA Funnels Millions to Groups Fighting Drug Pricing Reforms The pharma lobby gave more than $16 million in 2022 to advocacy groups, many of them ostensibly “grassroots,” that are battling the Medicare drug price negotiations now underway.
Manchin Sits on Foundation Board With Lobbyists As he chairs the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Manchin's board mates seek to influence him on energy policy for their coal industry clients.
Scam PAC Exploits Electoral College Opponents Abolish the Electoral College PAC, which has raised nearly $1 million, has donated only $2,500 to candidates. The rest of the money has gone to salaries and consultants.
Astroturf Campaign Attacks Discount Drug Program for the Poor An anti-government waste group is helping its Big Pharma funder oppose a discount drug program that doesn’t cost the government a penny.
Dear Reporters: Don’t Trust ‘Dr. Evil’ Senator Bernie Sanders and Rep. Bobby Scott officially kicked off a new legislative push to raise the minimum wage this week by introducing legislation that would phase in a $15 an hour minimum over a four-year period. If the Senate parliamentarian determines that a minimum wage hike can survive in
Rules Package Closes Witness Conflicts Loophole For the first time, witnesses to Congress will have to disclose all entities they are affiliated with that have an interest in the topic of the hearing.