Fossil Fuel Donors Give Record Amount to Congressional GOP Super PACs

Donors including Chevron and ConocoPhillips have donated a record sum in the 2024 cycle to the giant spending groups tied to Sen. Mitch McConnell and Speaker Mike Johnson.

Fossil Fuel Donors Give Record Amount to Congressional GOP Super PACs
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Mike Johnson (photos via Getty Images)

The fossil fuel industry has given more money than ever this election cycle to the two super PACs tied to the leaders of the Republican caucuses in the House and Senate.

Including companies like ConocoPhillips and CEOs like Tim Dunn, the fossil fuel industry gave more than $20 million combined in the third quarter of this year to the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) and the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), according to a Sludge analysis of quarterly filings posted this week to the Federal Election Commission. The CLF is aligned with House Speaker Mike Johnson, campaigning to hold the U.S. House, and the SLF is closely tied to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose caucus seeks to retake the Senate.

The latest wave of donations brings the fossil fuel industry’s total to more than $54.2 million given to the CLF and SLF during the 2023-24 election cycle through September, according to Sludge’s analysis. 

The two super PACs have launched tens of millions of dollars of ads in the month before Election Day, with control of both chambers of Congress up for grabs.