House Dems Pass Sweeping Campaign Finance and Voting Reform Bill
The landmark democracy reform package moves on to a Senate hearing later this month.
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The landmark democracy reform package moves on to a Senate hearing later this month.
Lawmakers in 24 states have introduced restrictions on ballot initiatives after voters passed measures last year including legalizing marijuana and raising the minimum wage.
The bill comes after her political allies formed a nonprofit under an IRS designation commonly used for dark money political groups.
In states where voters overwhelming approved ballot measures liberalizing marijuana laws, anti-legalization lawmakers and interests are pursuing a range of legal options to thwart the will of voters.
Democracy vouchers are increasing small-donor participation in local elections and diversifying the donor pool.
At least 15 House reps currently sit on the boards of private companies.
The state's legislators have previously passed laws that benefited their family businesses, but a new ethics bill would bar voting where personal financial interests are involved.
More than 50 groups signed a letter asking companies to go beyond pausing their PACs if they want to demonstrate a commitment to democracy.
Both chambers of Congress are planning to vote on the For the People Act, which would force dark money groups to reveal their donors.
Government watchdog groups called on Biden's presidential inaugural committee to reject million-dollar donations from corporations seeking to influence the new administration.