Secret DNC Member List Revealed in New Report

By David Moore,

Published on Jan 10, 2025   —   4 min read

Democratic PartyJaime HarrisonInfluenceDark MoneyThe American ProspectMicah SifryDNC membersRules and Bylaws Committee
The Democratic National Convention at the United Center on January 18, 2024 in Chicago. (Scott Olson / Getty Images)


At least a half-dozen DNC members who will be voting on the next party chair work in corporate influence roles, a Sludge review of a newly-leaked list finds.

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The next chair of the Democratic National Committee will be elected on Feb. 1, and today The American Prospect posted a leaked list of the 448 voting DNC members, in an article by Micah Sifry that is the first to reveal the full roster. The chair vote will be decided by members attending in-person, or their proxies, at the DNC Winter Meeting in National Harbor, Maryland.

By Sludge’s count, at least a half-dozen DNC members who are likely to be voting for the next chair are employed in roles to influence the government for corporate clients.

Micah’s great story surveys exceedingly well the corporate influence peddlers in DNC leadership. Many of the names of corporate lobbyists and consultants who are DNC members might be recognized by Sludge readers from our series on “who runs the DNC,” which began four years ago.

Throughout the series, Sludge has highlighted that the DNC’s list of its national members is kept private, even from other members, and that there is no official public list of top DNC committee members, like the decision-makers who sit on the Rules and Bylaws Committee.

A few prominent DNC members are executives at lobbying firms:

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