States and Cities With Public Campaign Financing Lead on Paid Sick Leave Policies
In Connecticut and Maine, legislators who participated in public campaign financing programs led breakthroughs in passing paid sick leave policies for workers.
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In Connecticut and Maine, legislators who participated in public campaign financing programs led breakthroughs in passing paid sick leave policies for workers.
Seventeen more Wisconsin communities recently endorsed a constitutional amendment to get big money out of politics, bringing the state total of passed referendums to 163 and the nationwide total to 820.
Despite President Trump’s inveighing against vote-by-mail, many states—including over a dozen led by Republicans—are expanding absentee voting during the pandemic.
In the week before the election, incumbent Daniel Kelly has benefited from a last minute surge in spending by groups with ties to the Judicial Crisis Network.
Organizers working to gather petition signatures seek to protect public health and safety while qualifying for the November ballot.
The bills McConnell is blocking would subject the voting machine vendors to new cybersecurity regulations and could reduce their overall sales to states.
In the wake of the New York Assembly’s surprise punt on creating a public campaign finance system, a new report highlights the extent to which Assembly leaders rely on corporations and out-of-district donors to fund their campaigns.
The bill now heads to to Gov. Snyder for his signature or veto.
The bill comes as Michigan’s Secretary of State-elect has pledged to increase transparency of dark money
A coalition including national money-in-politics groups Every Voice and the public policy organization Demos, as well as good-government groups Reinvent Albany and major labor unions, rallied last week in support of a ballot initiative that seeks to strengthen New York City's campaign finance system