Here Are the Top Recipients of AIPAC Money

By Donald Shaw,

Published on May 2, 2024   —   1 min read



The most complete, up-to-date view of AIPAC PAC donations to congressional candidates.

As Israel continues its war in Gaza and Congress debates military aid and other measures related to the conflict, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is dramatically ramping up its contributions to political campaigns in the U.S. during the 2023-2024 election cycle. Many candidates—incumbents and new candidates alike—are receiving far more campaign money from AIPAC than from any other organization, yet until now it has not been possible to view up-to-date information on these totals without accessing and analyzing tens of thousands of rows of data from the Federal Election Commission.

Sludge is posting how much each candidate has received from AIPAC’s PAC this cycle, and will update the information on this page once a month, shortly after the PAC files its monthly disclosures with the FEC. AIPAC PAC must report its activities for the month prior by the 20th of each month.

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